10 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Fat

Get the Highest Quality Electrolyte: . Are you wondering if you've gone overboard with your fat intake? Discover the telltale signs of excessive fat consumption with these 10 unmistakable cues. Learn how to spot the warning signals and find the right balance for a healthier dietary journey.
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🔷 Signs you are fat adapted
🔷 10 Warning Signs Your Liver Is Toxic:
🔷 10 Alarming Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High:
🔷 Signs & Symptoms of High Blood Pressure:
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Welcome to Signs and Symptoms by Dr. Sten Ekberg; a series where I try to tackle the most important health issues of the day in a natural and safe way. If you have suggestion for the next topic leave your comment below. Remember to make your comments positive and uplifting even if you disagree with something that was said by me or others.
🔷 Signs and Symptoms Series:
🌿 This is a Holistic Health Channel that focuses on all aspects of Natural Holistic Health and Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete and holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. Learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works. Doctor Ekberg covers and explains health in an easy to understand way. There will be health tips like how to lose weight, what to eat, best nutrition, low carb diet, cold hands & feet, holistic health tips, pain relief, lower blood pressure, reverse diabetes naturally, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, keto diet explained, brain health tips, stretches & more from a real doctor.
Dr Sten Ekberg
Wellness For Life
5920 Odell St
CummingGA 30040
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All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
Typical legal disclaimer (doctor occupational hazard): This is not medical advice, nor can I give you medical advice. Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical advice. You should contact your doctor to obtain advice with respect to any particular health issue or condition. Nothing here should be construed to form an doctor patient relationship. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Wellness For Life and Dr. Sten Ekberg are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site. Also, some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. But if you click, it really helps me make more of these videos!
#WellnessForLife #MasterHealth #DrEkberg #DrStenEkberg #HealthAndWellness #Doctor #HolisticDoctor #RealDoctor #HealthChampions #keto #ketodiet #weightloss
Get Cholaplex https://www.drekberg.shop/products/standardprocess-cholaplex-2525 , KDIR https://www.drekberg.shop/products/kdir-fluidren and GB-Tone https://www.drekberg.shop/products/gb-tone
Then watch these videos🔷 10 Warning Signs Your Liver Is Toxic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7KdLPN3pVM&list=PLpTTF6wMDLR79E3-ijN_r6e8XkU4nQNyl
🔷 10 Alarming Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Too High: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bfr0fHG53k&list=PLpTTF6wMDLR79E3-ijN_r6e8XkU4nQNyl
Is it ok to make mayonnaise with sunflower oil. If not with which oil. And thanks for explaining.😅
@@dkeith-fc8hn if you HAVE to add oil use a better quality like olive oil. Your body metabolizes it better…
@@baileygregg6567 thanks for sharing.👍🙏
@@dkeith-fc8hnONLY extra virgin, first cold pressed, organic & NON-GMO olive oil though!
Dr. Ekberg, I am a new member. Thank you for your videos! They are very educational! Is it possible to share with us what you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (including snacks)? BTW, I am a vegetarian.
Thanks again for all the excellent advice 👍 Dr. Ekberg. You’re a blessing to all who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle 🙏 ✨️
You are welcome @MileHighCrypto66. My pleasure 😄
Another great video Dr Ekberg. Anytime I eat a large portion of carbs, I fall asleep and then wake up with anxiety. My energy and mood much more stable with low carb and IF.
Thank you @kennetholeary6503 for sharing. I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks for watching 😄
I am 68 and I have always said years ago if you eat carbs don’t eat fat. If eating fat don’t eat carbs. Now I am ketovore. No carbs except veggies here and there.
Smart, this is due to the Randle cycle. You have to choose either fat or carbohydrates for energy, using both is severely detrimental. Professor Bart Kay is an expert on this.
Ketovore? You mean ketogenic diet. Carnivore eats meat, herbivore eats plants, omnivore eats both. The meaning of -vore specifies “one that eats” therefore a ketovore eats keto?
@@brendahunter9134 Hilarious, but on a more serious note, it means you mainly eat meat with a few plants.
If I do that I’d be 135lbs again… I’m six foot two🫤
@@hugoanderkivi3673someone didn’t like being corrected about their yuppie phrase😹
Thanks for another great video Dr. Ekberg! They are so helpful, and I really needed this video on fat. I’ve been experiencing eating too much fat, and have been slower to lose weight on keto. So thank you for discussing this. Please keep the videos coming. I am positive I am not the only one to benefit from your videos, and am so grateful that you care so much to get the information out there! Hope you have a great weekend!
Yep, when I ate high carb as a vegan from 2018 – 2023 I was eating about 2000 calories a day and I was gaining weight, even though I’m a 6’3 man. When I switched to carnivore in 2023 (January) I started eating over 3000 calories, but it was moderate protein and high fat (65% fat 35% protein) I started to shed weight crazy fast. Almost like CICO is a myth.
Yup! Same here! In all points and views, you’ve experienced! 🤝👏👏Keep it up!👍
Have you been counting your calories then? CICO is not myth, but veganism will induce some metabolic problems. What is your overall weight loss, if you have been counting calories?
@@atrifle8364 it’s a myth under the correct context. For example, CICO is touted as just being, “burn more than you consume”. Which is said without context, or even better, calculate what you burn vs what you consume. If you consume 2500 calories, calculate BMR + activities to go over 2500 in a given day, but this is bad advice and in this context, CICO is a myth. We have to realize diets like carnivore is more hormone and homeostasis related so there is more to BMR + daily activity that counts toward total energy expenditure. This is why when bart kay consumed 6500 calories a day for 2 weeks despite not burning no where near this much on paper. It’d because hormones are a huge part plus all the processes the body undergoes in the context of very low carb. Then you also have protein being very thermogenic.
Same I have lost over 75 lbs eating about 3000 calories of beef a day.
@@atrifle8364 It is a myth. Prove it. Insulin is the fat storage hormone. It is an anabolic hormone. Protein has a moderate reaction compared to carbohydrates.
Thank You for making this crystal clear We appreciate your hard work and effort you put in teaching us this stuff.
10. Weight gain
9. Insulin Resistance
8. Tired After Eating
7. Organ Affected
6. Diarrhea
5. Floating Stool
4. Burping, Bloating
3. Shoulder Pain
2. Pain In The Gall Bladder Area
1. No Weight Loss
Dr Sten has requested very politely that his videos are not broken down with time stamps. You guys are meaning well I know… but if you truly care about what makes him happy rather don’t do it ok. He wants people to watch it from start to finish in its completeness. Some people want to watch small bits and then they don’t see the whole picture of what he is trying to portray. It’s really his wish that you guys don’t do it♥️
@youmatter3035 Whoooa! Hold on a minute! 😁 1. Eating too much fat does NOT cause weight gain. 2. It does NOT cause insulin resistance. It happens ONLY if you eat high carbs with high fat. 3. It does NOT cause being tired(it’s overeating and carbs that causes it.). 4. The heart is NOT affected by eating too much fat. It is HIGH CARBS with high fat. The organ that IS affected is the gall bladder. He said this at the very beginning of his video that the first 4 on the list are MYTHS then explains why. That is why it’s important to watch the full video. 😊🙏❤️👍🏼
@@lee-anne2353 Really? I used to teach at a major University medical center and I never cared if people had cliffnotes or not.
@@HateDietPepsi I’m sorry yes it’s true. It doesn’t make him happy. He spoke about this extensively two videos ago . This is what he wants.
For about a year I tracked macros daily and lost only one pound. Really it felt obsessive. Now I focus on timed eating and it’s been effective for weight loss. More I’m using the principles while avoiding the angst. It’s easier than all that fussing about ratios.
I have the same issue. How or what method of timing do you lose.
Thanks in advance.
The obsessive tracking and mental dieting did not do me well even though the experts on the internet are well meaning (I lost myself into all of that). Intermittent fasting (18:6) is helping me tons. I’m on a low carb diet but I don’t deprive myself as much as before. I eat nutritious, whole foods. I would rather track calories than worry about insulin for weight loss because if find it unrealistic and restrictive. (I am in my 20s) Timed eating really keeps you away from binging!
Do you alternate fasting or do you fast 18:6 every day?
How many calories do you eat per day?
“Don’t eat.”😂❤ Learning about the concept of burning “body fat” versus “dietary fats” may be elementary science for some, but for me, this is life changing! While I don’t exhibit any signs of eating “excess” fat, I now understand that I need to go back to intermittent fasting so as to give my body the opportunity to burn the proper fat source. Thank you so much!🙏🌹
Yes! And for autophagy (another topic 🙂
I just said a similar thing to someone last night. They asked what I was eating that I dropped a few pounds and I said “nothing “😂. They looked at me like I was crazy.
Do slow fasting rather than fast fasting. 😅
Great video Dr. Ekberg. I have just realized that in 2024 I have not been eating enough fat. I was able to run more then 100 km this month and I had a lot of protein, some carbs from dairy and good salads but almost no fat. My weight dropped and I was not regenerating fast enough.
It’s time for my HWC and some MCT oil and maybe a coffee with goat milk with butter and some cocoa powder.
Stay safe mate!
Best wishes in 2024!
WOW…Was desperate for the gall bladder info and Formulas to help…also the first understandable overview of what the heck my goal is from Keto Start to Fat Adaptation…the Holy Spirit plugged me into this Pod today… So very grateful you are standing true in your Gift and the sharing of it with us 💕 You were a “Burden Lifter ” to me today…may you continue to Rock Your Lane…so be it…🙋🌹GA USA 👍🇺🇸
Dr. Ekberg you are the best! Somehow you manage to organize and distill lots of information in an understandable format. The gall bladder information is particularly helpful because most of us lay people have no clue how that works and tooooo many gallbladders are being taken out resulting in a whole different set of problems. I can share this with people who are even more clueless than myself. Also walking me thru the macros again will hopefully help me drop these last 30 stubborn pounds! Thank you!
I eat a carnivore diet minus dairy, there was this vibe in the community to eat more butter for hormonal health. I don’t eat a lot usually, depending on my exercise. My weight had been stable and optimal when I started taking about half a bar of butter daily and I gained weight very fast, 5-6 lb. Stopped the butter and the weight went down to my normal weight again.
Carnivore is the way make sure your potassium is good
Great video I had a cholecystectomy 40 years ago and since then cannot eat too much fat without developing diarrhoea. I recently started carnivore and increased my fat I ended up with flatulence and diarrhoea. To compensate I eat increased protein with no excessive extra fat just the fat in the protein and the fat it’s cooked in. This is working for me quite successfully. I still feel full I have increased my egg consumption which doesn’t have any effect on my unruly bowel.
Doc thank you for laying IR so simply, you are reaching people and this is a very good video explanation. Happy New Year! Day 12 carnivore and already seeing positive signs!
Terrific video. Your clarity and ability to simplify the complex is much appreciated. Thank you thank you!
Hi Dr. Ekberg! I love your videos. So I have a question, I was on keto for about 2 years and I also fasted a whole lot. And my peak fasting I did 40+ hours once per week with omad on the days I did eat. This made me feel great and I lost 40lbs in two months time which brought me back to the weight I always was when I was younger. Im 6’1” and I went as low as 130lbs. My family was concerned about my fasting so I went to eating two meals a day with a fasting period of 18 to 19 hours per day.
After a while I went under 130 lbs so I wanted to gain weight. I tried adding fat but I couldn’t gain any weight from eating more fat and I was eating so much I was getting sick. So I tried upping my HIIT exercises to build muscle but that wasn’t working either and I was getting very tired.
I added carbs to my meals, around 200g/day and now I’m gaining muscle. I’ve gained 15 lbs, most of which was muscle weight. I’ve never been able to gain muscle in my life but I finally am and it has been since adding carbs.
So I’m a little confused. I know insulin is needed to allow nutrients into the cell so my thought is before keto I was insulin resistant but now that I’m not anymore, adding carbs is allowing me to build muscle. Just a theory. I would love to hear your thoughts. Or the thoughts of anyone who may be reading this massive comment haha.
Thank you!
How much protein were you eating? I did not see that mentioned
I lost 125 pounds of my body in 10 months strictly because you decided to educate us. I feel so much healthier . Thanks for helping me get my life back.
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
00:42 🚫 *Eating too much fat does not directly cause weight gain; insulin resistance and high carbs play a role in fat storage.*
03:36 😴 *Feeling tired after eating is more related to overeating (Thanksgiving syndrome) than the type of fat consumed.*
05:55 💓 *Heart issues are not caused by healthy fats but can be influenced by poor-quality fats and insulin resistance from high carb consumption.*
08:10 🚽 *Gallbladder issues, like diarrhea and floating stool, can be signs of trouble breaking down fats if the gallbladder is not functioning properly.*
10:38 🤢 *Shoulder pain on the right side can indicate gallbladder problems, emphasizing the connection between gallbladder health and fat consumption.*
11:45 🔥 *Pain in the gallbladder area, often on the right side under the liver, may suggest congestion or sludge, potentially leading to gallbladder attacks.*
14:30 ⚖️ *Eating too much fat might hinder weight loss on a ketogenic diet if the body is primarily burning dietary fat instead of body fat. Adjusting fat intake is crucial for weight loss success.*