10 Health & Fitness Reminders You NEED To Hear Today – Tips For A Healthy Life ❤️

I see you out there being hard on yourselves… here are 10 things you need to hear today to realise you're doing great!
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1:13 Your goals are going to change
1:54 Not ever setback needs a narrative
2:59 Exercise is simply movement
4:20 Don’t punish yourself for having a ‘bad’ day of eating
5:20 You body needs fuel, even on the days you do nothing
6:20 Life happens and that’s ok
7:09 Enjoy the process
8:22 Just start
10:00 Progress is not linear
11:34 We often focus on the symptom not the cause
Lucy ❤️
#healthandfitness #motivation #exercisetips
👍 👍
I needed this, thank you. It has been a struggle to do anything.. eating, exercising, sleeping. I’m starting to realize i have a real problem with binge eating sweets. I gained 30kg and been years to try lose the weight. So frustrating😮💨 The thing is i am all about the balance and healty way of loosing weight. I know how to eat right but don’t have motivation to do so.. I’m so sick of feeling sorry for myself and feeling ashamed.
Great video Lucy, thank you ❤
Love these messages and your overall attitude. As someone who has had a fraught journey with fitness, I really appreciate your channel!
Aw thank you so much Lucy 🥰 I’ve been very inconsistent lately since wedding planning and the reminder that life happens and it’s part of the journey. I needed that 🥰🥰 thank you!
4:30 YES. When we falter or fall off the wagon, we sometimes try to “make up for it” the next day, but this only adds to instability.
Great video thank you! Just resetting today and found great value in these reminders 🥰
Long time lurker, first time commenter. Thank you so much for this message today! I’m a lifelong foodie who has only recently (3 months) started on my journey. I’ve made good progress but have lately found myself getting fixated on “good” vs “bad” foods and limiting my food intake drastically, something I never thought would happen to me. I’ve found myself moody, weak and my sleep quality has been TERRIBLE. Yesterday I reassessed and ate exactly what I was craving for dinner (spicy chicken burrito with guac and an oat milk hot chocolate before bed, praise be!). I had the best sleep I’ve had in weeks and woke up with energy but still felt guilty. Seeing your vid was the reminder I badly needed. Thank you.
Thank you 🥲
“And I’ll be like woo I achieved this goal” haha. I don’t know why that made me giggle.
Love your content Lucy, totally needed to hear this today, it’s EXACTLY what I’ve been struggling with the last couple of months ❤
Are you on a plant based diet right now and how is your psoriasis?
Great video🎉
I’m so glad that I found your channel, it made me fall back in love and be excited about working out in a sustainable way. Loving calisthenics
I love the last point, treat the issue not just the symptom. My weight loss journey has had lots of ups and downs, I lost 20 kilos, put them back on (and more) during pregnancy, lost another 8 kilos, put 3 or 4 on again, and am stuck in this vicious cycle of l lose then gain back 3 or 4 kilos.
Now i realise the underlying issues; 24/7 childcare,, boredom, feeling like I need a reward for being a good mum, not working or studying and feeling like a failure…. Now Ive began working on those issues for the past 2 months, I have seen contant and consistent weight loss, and a new found love for fitness.