#1 Untold HIDDEN Benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar

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#1 Untold HIDDEN Benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar is a video that focuses on all the amazing apple cider vinegar benefits that you unknowingly can receive when using apple cider vinegar. Whether your using acv for weight loss or you are just trying to just simply improve your health. The Dr. Nick Zyrowski apple cider vinegar playlist will be here to guide you.
👉 Watch Next: How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Drink? – Doctor Explains:
✳️ When To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar (for fat loss) :
✳️ Apple Cider Vinegar Series :
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Disclaimer: Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. Dr. Zyrowski's use of the term doctor when referring to himself is simply referring to his degree and licensing. There is no doctor patient relationship between you and Dr. Zyrowski. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment. You should always seek advice from your qualified health care physician regarding any health condition. NuVision Excel, NuVision Health Center, Dr. Nick Zyrowski and Dr. Zyrowski are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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Watch Next: How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Drink? – Doctor Explains: https://youtu.be/-O5CRWVtXYY
I enjoy ACV with half a lemon and 8 oz of room temperature water.
Thank you. Appreciate your videos!
Doctor, please stop referring to LDL as ‘Bad’ Cholesterol! Your antiquated understanding of dyslipidemia is dangerous. All studies show that people with the highest cholesterol levels INCLUDING LDL, live longer and have higher cognitive function!
Great point. We know there are different types of LDL. The “good” is large, buoyant, fluffy, and the “bad” are small and dense from too many processed carbs, seed oils, etc. Plus, LDL and HDL are NOT cholesterol. Dr. Z is confusing the “boat” with the “passengers.” The LDL transports the cholesterol and triglycerides, but it’s not cholesterol. The small, dense LDL particles are generally considered more harmful because they can penetrate the arterial walls more easily, leading to plaque buildup and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The large, buoyant, and fluffy LDL are often seen as less atherogenic (less likely to cause atherosclerosis) because they are less likely to infiltrate the arterial walls compared to small, dense LDL particles.
I fully understand the conversation. First of all… I am referring to the research, that is what it says.
Secondly, that is a very in depth conversation most people do not understand that could literally have an entire college course dedicated to it, there is no reason for me to confuse people in this video for the sake of sounding smart.
In my clinic we do some of the most in depth testing in this area that exists.
For the sake of a 50,000 foot overview of the topic of how this impacts cholesterol, the way I referred to it is more than ok, not dangerous.
@@davidbrewer1382 Well, it’s not hard to explain. High levels of LDL are good for you. Oxidized LDL is very bad. And how does LDL become oxidized? Eating high PUFA foods, especially seed oils. Beef is by far the superior meat because it has an ancestrally appropriate 2-3% PUFA…done.
@@patted44The doctor is right and you are completely wrong end of story 😂
@@user-xe1ol7xh4i which doctor…me or him?
Thank you so so much Dr.Z.
Well , NOT Braggs anymore. Not since Bill Gates got in and peel the hell out of it. Too bad when a mom and dad business sells out. I’m out.
I heard it was Katy Perry who bought it?
No wonder it looks differernt. Not enough mother in it.
@@Mangomesh same thing really
@@Mangomesh people claim that they cooperate with Gates and use Apeel on the apples . IDK
No such thing as good or bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is cholesterol LDL and HDL are lipoproteins they carry cholesterol they themselves are not cholesterol don’t confuse the car for the passenger.
I was told not to use Braggs anymore. Also Green and Black chocolate got bought out sometime ago.
04:45 I love how you broke down the benefits of apple cider vinegar for cardiovascular health, Dr. Nick! And I’ll definitely try the trick with ice cubes next time—sounds like it’ll make a big difference in the taste. Great video as always, keep it up
You put Bragg’s in your thumbnail. You haven’t heard about their controversy?
Braggs is crap now bill gates and Katy Perry brought the company .🤮