1 Cup a Day to Lose Belly Fat

Looking for an easy and natural way to lose belly fat? Try apple cider vinegar (ACV)—the secret drink that helps you burn belly fat, improve digestion, and boost metabolism! In this video, we reveal how drinking just 1 cup a day of apple cider vinegar can help you lose stubborn belly fat and support your weight loss goals.
If you're tired of struggling with stubborn belly fat or slow metabolism, apple cider vinegar could be the solution you've been looking for!
#LoseBellyFat #AppleCiderVinegar #ACVforWeightLoss #BurnBellyFat #FatBurningDrink #FlatBelly #WeightLossTips #AppleCiderVinegarBenefits
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 59, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book "The Healthy Keto Plan" and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices but focuses on health education through social media.
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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle
Not Braggs AC, use Fairchild AC.
Mandela Effect it’s Bragg.
I second not using Braggs!! However I don’t think I have the Fairchild brand where I am but using an organic with the mother is key.
I bought my Fairchild AC through Amazon.
@@MerrrryBeth I got it from their website
I love drinking apple cider vinegar! I also mix it with my electrolytes for workouts. People who experience heartburn after drinking it often have an underlying dietary issue. Diets high in dairy, vegetables, or processed foods can lower gastric pH, making it harder for the stomach to function properly. Of course, there can be other causes, so it’s important to figure out the root of the problem.
Our stomach acid is supposed to have a pH of 1.5–2.0 (stronger than vinegar but weaker than battery acid). That’s why apple cider vinegar shouldn’t normally cause issues, as its acidity level is less than or equal to what a healthy stomach naturally produces.
Acidic acid is a buffer. It helps normalize fluctuations in pH.
This is 100% true!
@@realtalkwithrebecca8526I’ve always take 1 probiotic every morning. Would you know if that would interfere with the ACV?
@laura.danisi8590 unfortunately I don’t know. I don’t take probiotics anymore. We have been carnivore for the past year and a half and have seen SIGNIFICANT positive changes in our bodies including no more chronic scalp eczema, no more chronic heartburn, no more antidepressants, amazing weight loss and the list goes on. Now all 7 of our children are also carnivore. We used acv before when we were trying Paleo and we saw a significant improvement in our heartburn but now we don’t have any at all and feel great! We have 7 babies so I still have a little stubborn belly fat from my diastasis recti and now that that’s healed I’m going to re implement acv to see if I can speed up the belly fat loss. 🤞🏽 Maybe if you catch Dr. Berg on a live you can ask him about the probiotics. Good luck!
@@laura.danisi8590 Apple cider vinegar shouldn’t interfere with probiotics as long as both are consumed in appropriate amounts. The acidic environment created by vinegar can even help probiotics survive the stomach’s natural acidity on their way to the gut. Most high-quality probiotic supplements are designed to withstand stomach acid. If you’re concerned, you could space them out by 30 minutes to 1 hour, but in general, they should work well together.
His vodeo recommends doing this 3 times a day:
12 ounces of water mixed with 2 Tablespoons ACV.
10/4 … Roger that!
Thanks 😊
I like your summary because that is exactly what the good Dr. BERG said. Cool.😊
Thanks paragraph guy ❤
For those planning to drink ACV 3x/day, make sure to use a straw, since that much ACV can erode tooth enamel.
Good idea. But one more thing why ACV can be dangerous. When person has problems with duodenum and big duodenal pappila in this situation ,maybe problems with Bellaire system
True. I made that mistake not using straw. I drank AVC, lemon water and coffee daily several times at day. Yes my teeth went bad😅
I was just about to say this. The straw is extremely important.
* Belly fat = Liver fat spilling over
1. 2tbs ACV IN a glass of water (12 OUNCES)
2. Three times a day
_ Contains acetic acid
3. Breaks down fat and help insulin resistance
Also, be careful if you have an autoimmune disease … I jumped on this got all excited and could not understand why all of a sudden I was having so much pain in my knees! Sure enough quit the vinegar and the pain went away.. so just figure out for yourself and know that if you all of a sudden start getting your joint pain that could be the reason!!
I have arthritis. Do you have arthritis? I’ve been thinking about trying this but now I’m hesitant.
@kathy2940 yeah I’m pretty sure I have arthritis….. I recently been to Disneyland walking 9 and 10 mi a day didn’t affect my knees one bit and then when I got back I jumped on the whole acv, and within just a couple days the pain in my knees was like something I never felt in my life! Got off the ACV and the pain disappeared…. I hope this is helpful
@kathy2940 let me just add that if it wasn’t for another person leaving a comment I would have never thought that the ACV was causing my knee pain… I want it to be sure to mention my experience it could help someone
Try some proteolytic enzymes, turmeric… Hope you feel better. Keep hamstrings strong, very important for knees.
I’ve heard it can help joint pain!?!? So confusing!
I add it to my water bottle along with lemon slices and electrolytes. Stomach is flat❤
Thanks for sharing this tip. Keep doing great!
@Drberg thanks Dr. Berg will do!
Are you teeth ok? I don’t like using straws😊
@@EnochnKale yeah I have no problem with my teeth because I’m mixing it with water lemon and electrolytes
@ ok thank you 🙂
I started doing this since monday, now i drnk it all day instead of coke. I used to find it difficult drinking water, but adding just one spoon each time all day long helps . Thanj you Dr Berg, i am getting rid of my coke addiction
Just make sure you rinse! Not good to have residue sitting for too long. Takes 20 min for saliva ph to normalize, every time you sip acv, coffee, whatever, you set the clock!
If you add it to sparkling water it actually taste like a fizzy drink
I bet my diet coke addiction is worse than yours. Sounds like you have a great jump start. I can’t get that motivated. What was your motivation to want to stop the coke or was it all just we know it is not so great for us?
I do real lemon water. That helps with weight as well 😊
Not an ad: I put Dr. Berg’s electrolyte powder in my ACV mixture, and it tastes wonderful. I was struggling to drink it before that little trick, and then my in-laws shared their powder with me. I now make sure I always have it on hand.
That’s a great idea – thanks for sharing!
I’m going to look into that. I can’t stand acv either.
I am going to try this. I have Dr Bergs electrolyte powder and while I like it, it is soooooo sweet. I despise ACV but maybe it’s exactly what the powder needs to tone down.
Where do I get some of that electrolyte powder?
@midnightcharasmr where do I get some of that powder?
If eric was the only channel on utube id still subscribe
I’ll start with 2 cups a day. Thank you Dr. Berg. I already know it works. I got off track these last few months.
Sounds good!
I can barely get it down once a day but I do like it as salad dressing mixed with avocado oil and spices.
🍋 as a substitute
If taste is the issue, you can always enjoy the benefits by taking ACV in capsule form. Hope that helps!
Thank you. @@Drberg
@@DrbergIs there a particular one that you would recommend?
Does one drink after a meal or is it OK on an empty stomach? What about adding lemon juice, as well? Dr. Berg, can you comment on a) affect upon OMAD, and b) what will ACV (+ lemon juice & water) do to arrest insulin resistance? I’ve been following you for 2 years now. Down 30lbs but have hit a setpoint. I think i’m.up against hormones now. Peace out & Thanks! Your videos are Inspirational –
Some days off is also required to avoid overloading the kidney. Also using a straw to drink ACV.
@Shiv1971 it harms the kidneys?
@@lwil8563 it can if you have pre-existing kidney disease
@@Shiv1971 I drink it without a straw. I drink it down, and then rinse my mouth out.
@@lwil8563 I only have one kidney and I drink the dosage Dr. Berg gave, but only 2x daily. No problems. I will research though. I know that it has a small amount of potassium, and contrary to what doctors say, potassium is actually good for the kidney and protects it. Of course, we never do anything in excess.
@@lwil8563 No. It doesn’t. Everything in moderation of course but the doseage Dr. Berg recommended is fine. I do 2x’s a day, not three. ACV is actually helpful for your kidneys. It also has potassium which, contrary to what some doctors say is actually a protector of your kidney. Of course, we know, we don’t want excess of potassium either. But a c b has a small amount and 223 times a day is not a huge amount if you’re watching your potassium intake.
Research some articles on the Benefits
I put several tablespoons of acv in a 16 oz glass bottle, shake it good each time I drink from it, and take several good sips every day over 3 days, rinsing my mouth with water each time.
I use an empty Braggs acv glass bottle.
Just hope you’re not using Braggs acv!!!
Sure thing!
70 sprints 100 yarders did it for me. Got to 11th grade weight. Sucked and boring. 35 in morning, 35 in evening, 2 blocks away in park. People started telling me what an inspiration I am to them. I laughed, I had the same job for 46 years and not one person ever told me that. Age 69.
Haters gonna hate!
Sprinting is the best exercise possible. Works every muscle. Great job!
Thank you. I try.
That’s sad. You are an inspiration- you kept that job 46 years. That’s something to be proud of. You are like my Dad was he got a good paying job and stayed with it for 26 yrs until the company sold and all senior employees were let go. He was proud to have that job all those years but just heart broke when the dedicated employees were let go with no notice.
This works! My hubby has been doing it for months and i can tell he is losing weight. No other dietary changes.
Has he had his kidneys checked recently?
@angelacarbon4010 ACV in water is harmful to the kidneys?
@@lwil8563″Shiv1971, comment below said, ‘Some days off are required to avoid overloading the kidneys”, or similar.
But it tastes so awful though! 😆
Is your hubby diabetic?
That’s not 1 cup per day. It’s 12 Oz 3 times per day. 36 Oz. But still for a flat tummy a great deal!!❤
Well, it’ll help you get your water intake!
That’s what I thought as well. I don’t understand where he’s getting “a cup per day.” Did he misspeak?
I am 135 weight, belly fat , it works ,
Or natural sunlight! Just find a comfortable place to take off your shirt in the sunlight for at least 30-60 minutes or longer as often as possible throughout the week. I have been doing the same the past 3 weeks and I am amazed at the results. I also intermittent fast and avoid eating past 5 pm as often as possible.
This is so right what you said. I didn’t eat nothing after 6pm it has helped me loose a stone.
@mombegum25 Awesome.
To the people who recommended drink it with a straw, thank you for making us aware of the dangers of blindly following YouTube advice. Seriously, thank you.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is well known for many home remedies. Do some research. But it is hard on tooth enamel and so is Lemon juice. But never do anything without researching first.
I’m glad I could assist you.